All in Jewelry

Cuttlefish Casting with Barbara Mann at the Greenville Center for Creative Arts in Greenville, SC, July 21, 2018

Barbara Mann, one of our CAST contributors, will be teaching a one-day cuttlefish casting workshop on July 21 at the Greenville Center for Creative Arts in Greenville, SC.

This ancient and fascinating approach to casting. Cuttlefish casting creates a beautiful woodgrain-esque surface on metal and is a direct and satisfying way to cast metal at a jewelry scale.

"Culling the Sand: Site, Place and Identity" with Demitra Thomloudis August 12-18, 2018 at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Tennessee

Demitra Thomloudis, one of our contributing artists, will be teaching "Culling the Sand: Site, Place and Identity" at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts August 12-18. Demi is a pioneer of interesting casting techniques for jewelry, including her ingenious use of cement. This class will include moldmaking and plastic casting for jewelry.

Workshop Report: "Jewelry Narratives: Collecting to Casting" at Penland with Mary Hallam Pearse (June 10-22, 2018)

This is the halfway point reporting on Mary Hallam Pearse’s class at the Penland School of Crafts. So far, the class has done plaster moldmaking, centrifugal casting, and induction vacuum casting. They've worked with carving wax, investment core casting to create hollow forms, patty cake silicone molds and water soluble wax for investment cores.